photography, vintage photography, antique photography, photo,pic, image, visual content, image carrier,

print, drawing, ephemera, books, poster, art, collecting, collection, selection, curated, display, archival,

photo books, photoalbum, carte de visite, cab format, vernacular photography, archive


historisches Foto, Teller, Stilleben, Landleben, rustikal, silver gelatine

if you have any inquiries or are interested in collaborating, or if you can provide physical space for an exhibition in Austria or nearby, please don't hesitate to contact me. ."


in case you want to offer material for the archive or want to get rid of photos etc: contact


imagearchivevienna is happy to provide material

altes Foto Wien, Praterstern mit Rießenrad, Tegetthoff Denkmal, snapshot photo,

 support from the crowd and specialists can often be helpful in gathering information about a cryptic piece and therefore, if you have any knowledge about missing information related to a displayed piece, sharing it would be greatly appreciated


still working on the possibility to permanently display the physical archive in public in Vienna...


carte de visites black and white dress
nice snapshot, winter theme, man walking through snow

Ich sammle liebsten alte Fotos; Das Archiv will gefüttert werden; Ich bin immer am Ankauf von Fotos interessiert.

Ausgesuchte Einzelstücke oder ganze Sammlungen können von Interesse sein. Haben Sie einen Nachlass oder Verlassenschaft in dem Papier enthalten ist? Nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt mit mir auf.